Board and Batten Calculator 🛠️

Board And Batten Calculator


This Board and Batten Calculator is a must-have tool for anyone looking to create a stylish and durable wall using the classic board and batten style. It's perfect for DIY enthusiasts, contractors, and anyone in between.

How to Use

  1. Input the length of your wall in feet.
  2. Specify the width of the boards in inches.
  3. Enter the spacing you desire between battens in inches.
  4. Click the Calculate button to see your results!

You will see a beautifully formatted table with the quantities of materials you need. 🏗️

"Proper calculations lead to improved efficiency in your project!" - DIY Guru

And remember, always double-check your measurements and calculations before purchasing materials. 😅

Happy building! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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